Mar 252012

Kindle Gift Card Idea - ElevensesArthor: Pandora Poikilos

This book is full of breakfasts, brunches and snacks from around the world from Germany to Brazil. Just some of the recipes included are Beef Kebab from Vietnam, Farmer’s Ham from Germany and French Toast from the Bahamas.

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Mar 242012

Kindle Gift Card Idea - The League of FreaksArthor: Alberto Hazan

Strange things keep happening to Shree Mandvi, an ordinary Indian girl from the Bronx, when she moves to a private school in Cambridge. If having the ability to fly wasn’t weird enough, Shree discovers four other freaks at her new school with similar powers. Together, they chase after a hidden treasure (and a mysterious secret key) that’s been lost for centuries somewhere under the Harvard campus.

Free for Kindle: How to Get a Kindle Gift Card

Mar 232012

Kindle Gift Card Idea - Let's Get DigitalArthor: David Gaughran

For the first time, these changes are handing power back to the writer. It’s up to YOU if you want to profit from them.

This guide contains over 60,000 words of essays, articles, and how-to guides, as well as contributions from 33 bestselling indie authors including J Carson Black, Bob Mayer, Victorine Lieske, Mark Edwards, and many more.

Free for Kindle: How to Get a Kindle Gift Card

Mar 222012

Kindle Gift Card Idea - Cut, Crop & DieArthor: Joanna Campbell Slan

Tainted icing triggers a rare allergy, and a hobbyist croaks at a scrapbooking crop sponsored by Time in a Bottle, the store where Kiki Lowenstein works. When it comes out that someone swiped the victim’s emergency medication, the scrappers realize they have a murder on their hands, and the entire community jumps to point the finger at Kiki and her coworkers. Suddenly, the one anchor in Kiki’s stormy life is on the verge of sinking beneath a ruined reputation.

Free for Kindle: How to Get a Kindle Gift Card

Mar 212012

Kindle Gift Card Idea - What It IsArthor: Sarah Burleton

In the blink of an eye, Mom ran up behind me and pushed me into the fence. Instinctively, I reached out my arms to stop my fall and ended up grabbing the live fence. My hands clamped around the thin wires, and my body collapsed to the ground as the electricity coursed through it. I opened my eyes and saw my mother standing over me with the strangest smile on her face. “Oh, my God, I’m going to die!” I thought in panic.

Free for Kindle: How to Get a Kindle Gift Card

Mar 202012

Kindle Gift Card Idea - Ms America and the OffingArthor: Diana Dempsey

I know it’s hard to imagine a woman getting offed by a tube of lipstick, but I’m here to tell you, it can be done.

I wouldn’t have believed it until the night I saw it myself. It was the same night I won the coveted crown of Ms. America, or should I say, was given the crown, since the woman who was poised to emerge triumphant got iced instead.

Seriously bad luck for her, I won’t quibble about that, but it just goes to show that what’s unfortunate for one beauty queen can really open up doors for another …

Free for Kindle: How to Get a Kindle Gift Card

Mar 192012

Kindle Gift Card Idea - Deadly AimArthor: Patricia H. Rushford

As a female police officer, Angel Delaney has to put up a tough front. She works for peace in her coastal Oregon town, but loathes the means she sometimes uses to get it. So when duty requires her to use deadly force against a twelve-year-old boy, Angel’s world begins to crumble. The media portrays her as a racist , a rogue cop, and a menace. While she works to clear her name and her conscience, more questions surface.

Free for Kindle: How to Get a Kindle Gift Card

Mar 182012

Kindle Gift Card Idea - Memoirs Aren't FairytalesArthor: Marni Mann

A dark tale of a young woman’s descent into the hell of drug addiction.”I could feel my chin falling towards my chest, my back hunching forward. My body was acting on its own, and my mind was empty, like all my memories had been erased. There was scenery behind my lids. Aqua colored water and powdery sand that extended for miles. I was never going back to coke. I wanted more heroin. And I wanted it now.”Leaving behind a nightmarish college experience, nineteen-year-old Nicole and her best friend Eric escape their home of Bangor, Maine to start a newlife in Boston. Fragile and scared, Nicole desperately seeks a new beginning to help erase her past. But there is something besides freedom waiting for her in the shadows- a drug that will make every day a nightmare.Heroin.With one taste, the love that once fowed through Nicole’s veins turns into cravings.

Free for Kindle: How to Get a Kindle Gift Card

Mar 172012

Kindle Gift Card Idea - Kissed in ParisArthor: Juliette Sobanet

When 29-year-old event planner Chloe Turner wakes up penniless and without a passport in the Plaza Athénée Hotel in Paris, she only has a few fleeting memories of Claude, the suave French man who convinced her to have that extra glass of wine before taking all of her possessions and slipping out the door. As the overly organized, go-to gal for her three drama queen younger sisters, her anxiety-ridden father, and her needy clients, Chloe is normally prepared for every disaster that comes her way. But with her wedding to her straight-laced, lawyer fiancé back in DC only days away and a French con-man on the loose with her engagement ring, this is one catastrophe she never could have planned for.

Free for Kindle: How to Get a Kindle Gift Card

Mar 162012

Kindle Gift Card Idea - YorkshireArthor: Lynne Connolly

Rose Golightly accompanies her family on a visit to their cousins in Yorkshire, she finds a run down house, not the society gathering she and her sister are hoping for. Lord Hareton has deliberately run down the once great Hareton Abbey until it’s a near ruin. The only other guests at Hareton are the twin Kerre brothers, intimidating and haughty leaders of society, together with the fiance of the older brother. When the Earl of Southwood’s son and heir, Richard, Lord Strang is badly injured in the same accident that kills her cousins, Rose is forced into the position of nurse–and detective.

Free for Kindle: How to Get a Kindle Gift Card

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